Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Why I'm a Big Fan of Apple Cider Vinegar?

You may have read about numerous benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV) over the internet or have heard from your friends or family, so needless to mention. Yet, I wanted to share my personal experience as I am more than sure that this could help others you may know who have the same conditions as I had before.


I was diagnosed with minimal pulmonary tuberculosis in late 2014.

Before my 6 months medication ended, I started religiously taking ACV everyday as a part of my health regimen. It helped me a lot in my recovery. Breathing got back to normal & being tired easily was gone. Aside from that, what surprised me was, those white patches that showed on my back for more than a decade got almost cleared! I am not sure what it is. I just figured out that it is tinea versicolor. Here's a picture (grabbed from the net):

This was one of my major worries before. As you can see, it doesn't look nice at all so when mine got almost cleared up, "sigh," that was a great relief! Finally! I can confidently wear spaghetti strap tops again! :D

And here's the photo of my back now. I have no pictures of before but through here you can see some traces.

I am so happy with the surprising result!

ACV (Bragg-specifically) is also part of my beauty regimen. I use it in my face (as a toner) and armpit to soften my skin & avoid having chicken and also in my hair as I love the softness & smoothness whenever I apply it.

For directions, please be guided accordingly:

Oral intake - Mix one (1) teaspoon of ACV in a glass of water (at least 8 oz), Better add one (1) teaspoon of authentic honey if you have a trusted source. Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before breakfast.


As a Face Toner - Mix one (1) part of ACV and three (3) parts of water in a container. Use cotton to apply on the face after cleansing. You'll notice the softness right after application.


For Armpits - The ratio is the same with toner, excluding the honey. You may increase it to 2:2 if you like. I swear I have no chicken skin. My armpits are so soft & smooth. I am not using any antiperspirant too! Only ACV & Milcu powder.

For Hair - Mix a teaspoon of ACV and a cup of water. Apply to your hair after shampooing. Let the ACV mixture sit for a few minutes before rinsing it with water. No need to use conditioner! The apple cider vinegar will leave hair feeling smooth and soft.


Ohh, sometimes I use it also as a fabric conditioner. :)


In summary, apple cider vinegar is a must-have in every home.

Bragg is the brand I'm using. In case it's not available, look for Raw Unfiltered.


What I listed here is just a guide. Feel free to adjust the ratios according to your preferences. Have fun & do some experiments! It's all-natural, organic & healthy. No need to worry!


If you have personal experience with ACV, please do share it in the comment box. Thank you & have a wonderful day!

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